Monday, 29 November 2010

The Right Switch For You

None of us know what the future holds, but we can make sure we are as fully prepared as possible to meet whatever challenges lie ahead, and in this uncertain economic period, there is no better time to give yourself a solid foundation from which to build.

I am the manager of an electrician training course, and these are my top tips to those looking for somewhere to train, whether it is in the electrical field or not.

  • Research a lot of courses, and be thorough. Don’t choose the first course or training centre you come across.
  • Get on the phone or drop by to talk to the training staff in person. Ask as many questions as you need to build up an accurate picture of the training course, and whether it will be right for you. The staff should be willing and able to answer anything you put to them.
  • Watch out for hidden costs. Good training centres will always be honest and upfront about their prices, and there should be no nasty surprises. Most prices should be listed on the course’s website, but if not, speak to someone and find out the exact costs involved.
  • Choose a centre that will not abandon you once your training is complete. A good training centre should offer after-course support and advice. My electrical training course, for instance, helps you find cut-price tools, offers advice on marketing yourself, and has people available to answer any questions you might have regarding an unfamiliar scenario or problem you encounter.
  • Choose something you are passionate about or think you will enjoy. At the end of the day, you will get out exactly what you put in, and if you commit fully to a training scheme, then you are in a great position to build a successful and rewarding career!

Friday, 26 November 2010

Remember the VAT increase!

A quick word of advice: For those of you considering electrical training or any other type of training course, booking sooner than later might be a good idea. As of January 2011, VAT will be increasing from 17.5% to 20% and this is likely to come as a bit of a blow to those wishing to train or re-train in a particular field - especially if you are not VAT registered. So, keeping a step ahead of the game and booking this side of the New Year could certainly make things easier on your bank balance!

We're blogging!...

Electrical Training 4U are now officially blogging! This is our informal way of keeping you electrical training enthusiasts up to speed with relevant industry news and information. For those of you with specific questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us as we are always available to give helpful advice on tips.

As you are probably already aware, we offer great electrician training services and facilities, so if you are considering a career in the electrical trade, visit our website today to book your space on one of our many courses!